Rotary Club of Dartmouth

  • Contact: Tim Freeman
  • Address:
    Dartmouth, Devon
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    Rotary Club of Dartmouth

    The Rotary Club of Dartmouth meet most Thursdays at 1300 at the George and Dragon

     (please contact us with requests to visit - you are most welcome. We just need to confirm the food and venue)

    Rotary International is a volunteer organization of business and professional leaders who provide humanitarian service,and help to build goodwill and peace in the world. There are approximately 1.2 million Rotary club members belonging to 34,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas.

    Founded in Chicago in 1905, Rotary celebrated 100 years of service in 2005. The Rotary Foundation has awarded more than US$2.1 billion in grants, which are administered at the local level by Rotary clubs.

    What is the purpose of Rotary?

    Rotary clubs exist to improve communities through a range of humanitarian, intercultural and educational activities. Clubs advance international understanding by partnering with clubs in other countries. Rotary also encourages high ethical standards in all vocations.

    What do Rotary clubs do?

    Rotary clubs address critical issues at home and abroad by providing health care and medical supplies, clean water, food, job training, youth development, and education to millions of people in need. Examples of Rotary’s focus areas include:

    Polio Eradication - In 1985, Rotary International created PolioPlus – a program to immunize all the world’s childrenagainst polio. To date, Rotary has contributed more than US$1 billion and countless volunteer hours to the protection ofmore than two billion children in 122 countries. Rotary is currently working to raise an additional US$200 million towarda US$355 million challenge grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These efforts are providing much neededpolio vaccine, operational support, medical personnel, laboratory equipment and educational materials for health workersand parents. In addition, Rotary has played a major role in decisions by donor governments to contribute over $6 billion tothe effort. With its community-based network worldwide, Rotary is the volunteer arm of the global partnership dedicatedto eradicating polio. Rotary volunteers assist in vaccine delivery, social mobilization and logistical help in cooperationwith the national health ministries, the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention.

    Peace - In an effort to educate tomorrow’s peacemakers and ambassadors, up to 110 Rotary World Peace Fellows aresponsored each year to study at one of the eight universities for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution.Since 2002, 431 fellows from over 75 countries have participated at a cost of more than $23 million.

    International Education - Rotary is the world’s largest privately-funded source of international scholarships. Each year,about 1,000 university students receive Rotary scholarships to study abroad. Rotary clubs also coordinate a high school-age student exchange program that has sent nearly 8,000 students abroad for three months to a year.

    Humanitarian Projects - Rotary clubs initiate thousands of humanitarian service projects every year. These volunteer-driven projects address the root causes of conflict, such as hunger, poverty, disease and illiteracy.

    Literacy - Rotary clubs work to improve literacy rates worldwide. A unique, Rotary-pioneered approach called theConcentrated Language Encounter (CLE) has proven very effective in resource-strapped developing countries. It was sosuccessful in Thailand, that the Thai government adopted the program nationwide.
    Water Management - Recognizing the importance of clean water, many Rotary clubs help to install wells and developwater treatment and distribution systems to increase access to fresh drinking water for communities in need, especially indeveloping countries.